


Peter Lehman


(207) 542-1496


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Growth Industry Maine is in the business of helping organizations and employees grow and develop to their full potential. Owner and chief consultant, Peter Lehman, Ph.D., is a professional sociologist with more than 30 years experience in teaching, research and organizational development, including experience in both the private and public sectors.

We spend a large part of our time in the workplace--most of us spend more time working than in any other activity. It is important that the workplace be a satisfying, healthy and safe places to be. This is one of Growth Industry Maine's highest priorities. When your organization is a satisfying place of growth and development, everyone benefits. Everyone feels better about themselves and their world.

And think how much happier your family will be.


 Helping with the
questions you ask yourself

Personnel policies

Do my employees know what is expected of them?  Expected of me? When are personnel reviews?

What are the vacation, sick time, personal time, and other absence rules? What is the disciplinary process?

Recruitment and hiring

How is the best way to find employees?  What is my employee market and who am I looking for? Should I advertise? What does an ad say and where should I put it? 

How does the application and interview process work? What questions should I ask? Is there an application form? What about a background check? Pre-employment physical?


What are the rules and options for vacation time, sick time, retirement plans, insurance, health savings and other possible benefits? What do my employees want or need? What are the costs and benefits?

Productivity and retention

What is my company culture? Do my employees want to do a good job and do they want to stay? Why do they leave and how can I make it possible for them to stay? How can I get more for my money?

Safety policies

Do I have clear policies on doing work safely? Do employees know how to work safely?

How can I help them learn to work safely and want to work safely? Do my employees have a clear sense of my commitment to their safety?

Personnel development

Can my employees grow and progress in my company or do they feel stuck? What can I do to help and support them moving forward in their lives and careers?

Workers compensation

What are my costs and how are they figured? Is my broker doing a good job for me? How can I reduce my costs and improve the health and safety of my employees?

Preferred provider

What is a preferred provider and what can they do for me? How can they help me in all of these areas? What will it cost and how can it help me and my employees?


Do my employees know everything they need to know about their work and how to stay healthy and safe? What can I do to improve this and how might I go about it?

What do I want to accomplish? What resources are available and how can I use them?

Personnel evaluation

How do I evaluate performance? What are the essential job performance qualities I am looking for and how do I measure them? Will these be a surprise to the employee? How do I make it fair? How do I ensure  that employees feel it is fair?

Who should have input? How should   I get input? What is a 360° process, when is it appropriate and how do I  do it?


Who are my customers? What is my market? Where and how do I make contact with them?

What are the business models and strategies other similar businesses have pursued? How do they define what they do?

Gardening People and Organizations